Red velvet bakery

A young Myesha Harris never thought the time spent tasting her grandmother’s red velvet cakes as a child would turn her into a bakery owner later in life. A civil engineer by day, she opens her Red Velvet Bakery on Saturday, September 2nd at 6828 S. Central Ave. “Now I want to share those delicious cakes with my community,” says Harris “I started baking cupcakes a few years ago for friends, who encouraged me to start selling them because of how much they loved them.” 

Over time she added her own flavors to her variety of cupcakes and started selling them at local Laveen dairy and online. As popularity for her baked goods grew, Harris knew she would need a permanent location so she and he business partner & husband Richard went looking. They found a location that was formerly an insurance agency and quickly renovated it to include a commercial kitchen, cozy seating area and service counter. Harris chose her location along the light rail extension strategically as her day job gave her insight to certain locations.

“Our specialty is of course my grandmother’s red velvet cake recipe,” she said. “But we’ve switched it up with some new varieties that still have that same moist, deep texture but with different flavors.” Varieties include Apple Crumb, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cotton Candy and Everything but the Kitchen Sink in additions to dozens of other flavors. Also on the Red Velvet Bakery menu milkshakes, cake jars, cakes and cookies.

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