pizza slices

$1 pizza slices at Spinelli’s Pizzeria for first 500 people

Who doesn’t love a large slice of pizza, I do and if you do too be one of the first 500 customers at Spinelli’s Pizzeria on Thursday August 1st. That’s when the Mill Ave. pizzeria celebrates it’s 5th anniversary by selling $1 pizza slices of cheese and pepperoni. Wash it down with $.75 cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon and fountain drinks all day long.

“I moved from Philadelphia to Arizona in 2008 and immediately noticed a void for late night food, especially places with full service dining,” said Christopher Palma, owner of Spinelli’s Pizzeria. “After the sudden death of my best friend in 2010, I was motivated to take a chance and chase my dream of owning my own business. After three years of waiting it out and numerous deals that fell through, I was finally able to secure our home…….”

Known for large slices of Philadelphia style pizza and sandwiches, Spinelli’s is a hit with ASU students and pizza enthusiasts since opening in 2014. They are one of the first pizzerias to serve CBD oil infused slices of pizza and cocktails.

“We want to celebrate Spinelli’s successes during the past five years and invite our friends, neighbors and regulars to join us,” added Palma. “Their support is really what has allowed us to accomplish this milestone and we want to take this opportunity to thank the community that has given so much to us.”

Spinelli’s Pizzeria is at 420 S. Mill Ave. Tempe 85281 and opens daily at 11 a.m.


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Published by

Sandy Wasserman

I've been in and around the the Phoenix wine and restaurant for over 17 years. I've seen and learned a lot and now I'm sharing it for the world to see.

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