Saturday October 5th is the date for the 9th Annual Zookwalk at The Phoenix Zoo benefiting Arizona State University’s Autism/ Aspeger’s Research Program. The event starts at 6:30 a.m. with registration and walk to immediately follow your registering. Registration concludes at 8:30 a.m. with the walk expected to end at 9 a.m.
Adults are $25 and a t-shirt is included,teens are $15 and kids under 12 are free. All day admission to the zoo is included with a wristband you will be given. Last year had about 3,500 walkers raising over $100,000 cash and over $200,000 in donations from medical testing and nutritional supplements. This years goal is to raise money for 1 year multi-treatment study for children and adults with Autism.
You can find more information and sign up at The Phoenix Zoo is located at 455 N. Galvin Parkway, Phoenix 85008 (480)273-1341.